Captain Buc Brynac

Name Buc Brynac

Position Commanding Officer

Second Position Executive Officer, 12th Fleet

Rank Captain

Character Information

Species Human
Gender Male
True Age 43
Homeworld Coruscant
Languages Spoken Galactic Basic

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 165
Hair Salt and Pepper
Eyes Black Eyes

Personality Traits

Strengths and Weaknesses



Personal History

Service Record

Service Record 29BBY - Cadet, Republic Judicial Academy
26BBY - Commissioned at the rank of Ensign in the Republic Diplomatic Fleet
26BBY - Ensign, Relief Officer, Consular Cruiser Paramount
24BBY - Lieutenant, Relief Officer Consular Cruiser Dexterity
22BBY - Commissioned into the Republic Navy
22BBY - Lieutenant, Communications Officer, RSD Kraken
20BBY - Lieutenant Commander, Chief Communications Officer, RHC Leviathan
19BBY - Commissioned into the Imperial Navy
19BBY - Lieutenant Commander, Chief Operations Officer, ILC Arquitens
14BBY - Lieutenant Commander, Watch Officer, Bakura Imperial Repair Station
10BBY- Commander, Chief Navigation Officer, ISD Retaliation
8BBY - Commander, Executive Officer, IAC Revelation
6BBY - Captain, Executive Officer, IHC Vindicator
5BBY - Captain, Commanding Officer, IHC Vindicator
4BBY to Present - Captain, Executive Officer, 12th Fleet and Commanding Officer, ISD Invictus